Friday, March 30, 2007
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Yoko Uchida
I have been living with Yoko for a year or so in the same flat.
It was the summer of 2003. I still remember when I first moved in Sommerset Hall, she greeted me. She said she was happy to see an Asian face. And well, she was my first 'foreign' friend out there.
On the very first weekend I arrived there, she asked me out to the British Museum. We went Tottenham Court Road to do some shopping also. Since then, we become mates. We went to the supermarket every week. We watched TV sometimes together. We went Wood Green for movies and shopping once in awhile. We went to the post office to send or take our posts, to or from our homes. We shared how lonely we were to each other, very often. And once she cried in front of me, I still remember. O yes, I went to her b day party with Yan and gave her a CD as a b day gift. I almost forgot this.
But we were not indeed Close. We had our own friends. After we left the flat, we moved and started our life ahead. We didn't find each other always as she was living quite far away from me. She tried to text me but for some reasons I did not / forgot to reply her. I didn't mean to reject kindness of a friend. But well I was in fact busy with my studies during that particular year. Bad/Good times and work and whatsoever led to a total new life.
And I got her email two, three months ago, telling me that she met someone in London who looked alike me. I replied her. But she did not email me back again.
And she appeared just now in msn tonight. We talked to each other by 'reporting' what we physically are and what we are doing now. We talked about and shared our life, work, and, loneness as before. We talked about future. And she told me,
I want to be a writer now!!!
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Monday, March 26, 2007
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
電影節終於開鑼。V 昨夜叫喊式的打電話來,要生要死。
從來不是電影迷。從來電影節都不會令我很雀躍或瘋狂。前陣子,耳聞身邊的朋友為著而忙亂、因著電腦訂票幾近發瘋之際,我則不勞而獲地得到七大張戲票(!)。都拜好友 V 所賜。她的金句實在太多:
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
1. 一結婚證上,持證人在職業一欄填「職員」。想起 N 年前父親在回鄉證上填「工人」,那時候我問要不要填什麼什麼工人,爸說不用,工人就是工人。同一道理,職員就是職員。
2. 結婚證上有「結婚人像」,貼上夫婦並肩的大頭照,二人同時向左望。好藝術 o者……
3. 出生醫學證明乃 Bilingual Version,但「出生醫學證明」一時對照為「Birth Certificate 」,一時為「The Medical Certificate of Birth」。
4. 出生證(並非出生醫學證明)扉頁印有「祝願小寶寶 健康成長」。很喜歡這兩句。

5. 出生證上,要求打上 a. 嬰兒左腳印;b. 母親右拇指印。
Sunday, March 11, 2007
讀書時,有一次大概是做 Project 或是溫習考試,我們仨在圖書館呆了好久。到午飯時,三人默默無言地低頭扒飯,一口接一口。我忽然問:
Thursday, March 08, 2007
二月只有十九天工作天,據老闆親口說生意額只有一月的 1/5。老闆因此而發癲、發茅,幾度以「炒魷」威脅兩名員工。
P 是其中被威脅的一個。話說二月間,P 忽然罹受坐骨神經痛之苦,不但走不了多少路,連上洗手間也成問題,遂請了 5 天無薪假(無薪是老闆提出的x,即「扣錢」)。老闆沒有致電慰問,只在開會時說人是非,曰 P 神經痛可能與體型有關,吩咐各員工注意身體,切忌過分肥胖。
P 二月尾回來時,病情仍不太樂觀,仍須好好休養,不能做粗重工作。可是啊,P 的職位是 Office Assistant,經常要往外送件、扛扛抬抬。見狀,老闆跟她訓話了好一陣子,說一家公司並無理由不請健全的人、而聘請殘疾員工,暗示 P 又殘又廢又大食。
上星期,老闆說公司 offer 不了一個員工時常請假(請無薪假),又不想炒人,建議 P 停薪留職一個月(想說一句,停薪留職這回事,可是電視劇中 Bobby 才會遇上的啊)。總之,搞得非常不愉快。翌日,P 自動辭職,老闆又建議可即日離開,不用一個月通知,不過「唔,我同 XX 商量下先,你聽日繼續返。」XX 者,老闆娘是也。X!堂堂一個老闆這麼的一件小事也要問老婆。男人黎架?!妖!
最後,P 這星期沒有上班了。公司少了個做瑣事的人,其實影響也很大。又見狀,老闆說,下星期可以找 P 回來幫手呀。頂你!呼之則來呀?!杲毛囫啖峙沙巳戊巳芣毛戍系!$%^$%^&*(*&*(#_)(*&#!
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Monday, March 05, 2007
爸:「鄉下都有呢 D 鹹草架!」
伯娘(嘆息):「如果俾著以前,見到呢 D 草就好開心架喇。」
吃了老婆餅打底。之後去吃澳門菜,極飽。再吃 B 仔涼粉(眾人大叫好飽仍叫了 B 仔涼粉 + 糖不甩 X 2 + 榴槤班戟 + 燉奶 + 芒果布甸)。飽極。
Saturday, March 03, 2007
Thursday, March 01, 2007
上個月我的通話紀錄是 448 分鐘,一月272、十二月287、十一月580、十月412分鐘、九月277分鐘、八月201分鐘、七月268分鐘……