Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Yoko Uchida

I have been living with Yoko for a year or so in the same flat.

It was the summer of 2003. I still remember when I first moved in Sommerset Hall, she greeted me. She said she was happy to see an Asian face. And well, she was my first 'foreign' friend out there.

On the very first weekend I arrived there, she asked me out to the British Museum. We went Tottenham Court Road to do some shopping also. Since then, we become mates. We went to the supermarket every week. We watched TV sometimes together. We went Wood Green for movies and shopping once in awhile. We went to the post office to send or take our posts, to or from our homes. We shared how lonely we were to each other, very often. And once she cried in front of me, I still remember. O yes, I went to her b day party with Yan and gave her a CD as a b day gift. I almost forgot this.

But we were not indeed Close. We had our own friends. After we left the flat, we moved and started our life ahead. We didn't find each other always as she was living quite far away from me. She tried to text me but for some reasons I did not / forgot to reply her. I didn't mean to reject kindness of a friend. But well I was in fact busy with my studies during that particular year. Bad/Good times and work and whatsoever led to a total new life.

And I got her email two, three months ago, telling me that she met someone in London who looked alike me. I replied her. But she did not email me back again.

And she appeared just now in msn tonight. We talked to each other by 'reporting' what we physically are and what we are doing now. We talked about and shared our life, work, and, loneness as before. We talked about future. And she told me,

I want to be a writer now!!!

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