危在旦夕 澳洲悉尼塔龍加動物園將以7萬澳元拯救歡蛙 (Corroboree frog)。由於這種蛙類的皮膚受壺菌感染,會導致窒息死亡,其全球數量只剩200隻。該動物園希望能在3至4年內多繁殖此品種,並幫助在回到大自然後能克服壺菌。(美聯社)
A Corroboree frog sits on the hand of Taronga Zoo keeper Adam Skidmore at the launch of a A$70,000 rescue mission in Sydney, Monday, May 1, 2006. The population of one of the most striking frogs in the world has plummeted to 200 as the deadly Chytrid Fungus, which attacks the frogs skin eventually causing suffocation, has had a devastating impact on the species. The zoo hopes to breed the frogs for three to four years to get them through the vulnerable tadpole-to-frog stage, and give them a greater chance to cope with the fungus when they are reintroduced to the wild.

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